Avital Avital is an artist who lives and works in Israel. Avital graduated from the Avni Institute of Art and Design, Tel Aviv, in 1984. Her works have been exhibited in countries such as the United States, Israel, Poland, China and the UK.
Avital Avital’s porcelain work challenges what we know about this delicate and noble clay. Her colorful creations, often formed as wild flowers, skeletal branches and voluptuous fruit, present a passionate approach toward a three-dimensional meeting point between functional and conceptual art. Although Avital’s vessels are meant to be used as everyday objects, they form an ambivalent appeal to the potential user. Pointy spikes adorn their surface, curvy angles and thin petals suggest not to touch these alluring creatures.
Visit Avital Avital’s Instagram page.
Featured work
Exhibitions, 2016-2020

Porcelain vases, 2019-2021

The process takes place when I feel I have a strong direction and when there is a palpable urge, but I can never be sure of the final result. I strive to create new things, but utilize manipulation of tradition in doing so. After using the wheel, I continue to work on the piece with my bare hands, designing it and giving it its unique personality with color and texture. I strive for results that may resemble each other, but are never the same.