Assistant Professor of Art History and Ceramics – Tenure Track at New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM
Posted on February 4, 2025
This Position is full-time tenure track and exists to support a studio art program and an art history minor. Candidates must be willing to work with students in and out of the classroom and should be readily available to advise and assist students. Candidates will be expected to teach both Art History courses and Ceramics. Candidate must invest time in running, supervising and maintaining the ceramics studio.
Duties and Responsibilities
Teach courses in the undergraduate curriculum including Art History courses and ceramic studio courses. The curriculum includes Ceramics 1-6, History of Art Survey I and II, Indigenous Art of the Americas, Modern Art, Seminar in Art History, Introduction to Art, Senior Colloquium, and BFA Exhibit. The Seminar in Art History must include alternately a Contemporary Art Survey and a special topic such as: Women in Art History. Full-time teaching load is four courses per semester, eight per year (24 Credit Hours). Candidate will also be responsible for teaching Independent-Study and Directed-Study coursework.
Research Assignment: to do the appropriate research and scholarly activities in the candidate’s field of study. Research can include publication, conference presentations, producing and exhibiting ceramic artwork.
Service Assignment: Should include university committee assignments, service to the community and service to your field of study. Service may also include participation in advising the student art club, organizing and implementing exhibitions in the Burris Gallery and other service interests.
• Teach a full load equivalent to four courses (12 credit hours) per semester or Eight (24 credit hours) per academic year. Courses may include asynchronous and synchronous online courses, and hybrid courses (face-to-face and Zoom). Courses will include Art History and Ceramics.
• Competently teach ceramics students both wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques at an advanced level
• Run a ceramics studio that involves making glaze and clay and firing electric and gas kilns
• Pursue research in the candidate’s field of study
• Supervise students during field experiences
• Assist students in developing writing skills
• Maintain office hours
• Assist with the organization and installation of exhibitions in the Burris Gallery
• Provide oversight of work-study students in the ceramic’s studio and the gallery
• Assist with student portfolio development
• Teach independent and/or directed study coursework
• Fulfill committee assignments, as well as other service opportunities within the community, the University, and in the candidate’s field of study
• Attend Program and Department meetings
• Attend training during Faculty Development Week
• Assist with the Student Art Club
• Advise students
• Maintain regular attendance
• Perform other related duties as assigned
Minimum Qualifications
Candidate must have an MFA in Studio Art or a Ph.D. in Art History. Some evidence of ceramics experience is required.
Preferred Qualifications
College teaching experience with instructional experience in both Art History and Art Studio ceramics courses.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
• Skill and expertise in the classroom
• Ability in the use of technologies and /or strategies to enhance pedagogy
• Competency with online teaching: synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid
• Ability to work effectively with a culturally diverse student body.
• Ability to develop an effective methodology for the integration of teaching
• Ability to demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills
• Ability to competently teach ceramics students both wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques at advanced levels
• Ability to run a ceramics studio that involves making glaze and clay and firing kilns
Work Location: Las Vegas, NM Campus
Special Instructions to Applicants
Please provide:
• Cover Letter/letter of interest
• Curriculum Vitae
• Teaching Philosophy
• Names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references
• Transcripts
• 20 images of the candidate’s professional artwork and
• 10 images of student artwork
Candidates invited for an interview will be required to submit official transcripts.
References will be contacted in conjunction with the interview.
Send Materials to:
New Mexico Highlands University
Human Resources
Professor of Ceramics and Art History Search
Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Email/upload applications will be accepted