Installation of Rose Cabat at 100: A Retrospective Exhibition of Ceramics at Tucson Museum of Art. Photo: Rachel Shand.
Installation of Rose Cabat at 100: A Retrospective Exhibition of Ceramics at Tucson Museum of Art. Photo: Rachel Shand.
Rose Cabat, Feelies, c. 1960s-1970s, Porcelain, Various sizes: 2½ x 3¼ to 5¾ x 4¾ in. Collection of the artist. Photo: Rachel Shand.
Rose Cabat, Feelies, c. 1960s-1980s, Porcelain, Various sizes: 2 x 2¾ to 4½ x 4¼ in. Collection of the artist. Photo: Carissa Castillo.
Rose Cabat, Crystalline Feelies, late 1950s-early 1970s, Stoneware, Various sizes: 2⅝ x 3⅜ to 5⅜ x 4 in. Collection of the artist. Photo: Carissa Castillo.
Rose Cabat, Feelies, c. 1960s-1980s, Porcelain, Various sizes: 4½ x 3½ to 6¾ x 2¼ in. Collection of the artist. Photo: Carissa Castillo.
Rose Cabat, Onion Feelie, c. 1970, Porcelain, 13 x 5¼ in. Collection of the artist. Photo: Carissa Castillo.
Rose Cabat, Feelie, c. 1970s, Porcelain, 4½ x 3¼ in. Collection of the artist. Photo: Carissa Castillo.
Installation of Rose Cabat at 100: A Retrospective Exhibition of Ceramics at Tucson Museum of Art. Photo: Rachel Shand.
Installation of Rose Cabat at 100: A Retrospective Exhibition of Ceramics at Tucson Museum of Art. Photo: Rachel Shand.