Betty Woodman, Balustrade Vase 95-13, 1995, Ceramic, 26 x 26 x 3 in. Courtesy of Jeffrey Spahn Gallery, Berkeley, CA. Photo by Jan Blair. Brie Ruais, 21 Ways to Enter and Exit the Studio on December 21st 2012, 2013, Pigmented and glazed ceramic, hardware, 64 x 99 x 2 in. Courtesy of Marc Selwyn Fine Art. Photo by Chris Burke. Betty Woodman, Beauties of April, May, and June, 2000, Ceramic, 60 x 35 x 7.5 in. Courtesy of John and Stacy Rubeli, Los Angeles, CA. Photo by Susan Einstein. Nicole Cherubini, Little Susie, 2012, Pine, earthenware, terra-cotta, glaze, MDF, oil paint, acrylic, 73 x 29 x 14 in. Courtesy of the artist and Tracy Williams, Ltd. Photo by Jason Mandela. Anton Reijnders, Stack 10b, 2009, Fired clay, unfired clay, glaze, engobe and tea cloth, 12 x 12 x 8 in. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by Anton Reijnders. Jessica Hans, Cucumber Vase at Falls Road, 2011, Digital C-Print, 20 x 14 in. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by Jessica Hans.
The 71st Scripps College Ceramic Annual at Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
January 24 – April 5, 2015